Download Competitors' Tested Keywords - KeywordSpy

Friday, December 3, 2010

December KeywordSpy 20% Discount Coupon Code - Absolutely Free

Happy Holidays to everyone!      

As a treat for the holidays, KeywordSpy released another discount code for the month of December. This promo code is absolutely free and authentic!

Coupon Code: KSpa4Z3WSC

Avail of the 20% discount on the first month of your KeywodSpy subscription by simply copying the code above and entering it on the sign up page of any of the three packages offered by KeywordSpy namely KeywordSpy Research ($89.95), KeywordSpy Tracking ($89.95), and the bundled package KeywodSpy Professional ($139.95). This offer is only valid until December 31, 2010.   

You may also share the discount coupon code above or tell about this site to your friends in the business for them to get a KeywodSpy subscription for a very affordable price. 

So, what are you waiting for? Get your code now and boost your business' traffic and conversion by using the best keyword research tool in the market today. This is truly an amazing way to enjoy the holidays. Have fun!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Link Building

It is already a well accepted principle in online marketing that a website cannot attain marketing ascendancy without applying some website advancement methods; and even the most popular and most successful websites continue to look for strategies to get ahead of their competitors or maintain their position if they are already on the top spot of the business. One way of effectively promoting and selling a website is through Link Building.

Many individuals tend to overlook the importance of link building in maintaining their website, thinking that it is insignificant. It is important to note that up to date link building is still one of the most significant aspects of offsite SEO and is probably the best method to get a site rank in search engines for the chosen keywords.

All types of links can affect your SEO results; however the most difficult to control and the one with the biggest impact are inbound links pointing to your website.

But what exactly is Link Building and how will your website benefit from it?

Link Building is a mechanism of creating inbound links to one's own website. It is a very prominent and solitary way to increase your website's popularity in all the major search engines, thus improving your site's rank on search engine results page and at the same time it brings targeted traffic to your website.

Before using a specific type of link building technique, it is important for a website owner to know and understand how a specific type of link that he will be using will benefit him because he may end up applying the wrong one and getting lower page rank results in the world wide web instead of climbing to the top spot.

There are several types of link building techniques and procedures that can either help you get on top of the search engine rankings or  pull you one notch lower or two, much worse you’ll end up having a very low page rank.

So before enumerating the different types of link building strategies, first, read these words of caution: In employing any of the link building strategies enumerated below on your website, always bear in mind that choosing the right kind of links can bring extended web traffic and higher ranking which will result to a significant payoff, while an erroneous choice could get you at a very disadvantageous position – and as we all know, it’s tough to scoop out of the Google Sandbox.

Here are the most basic types of link building techniques that you can choose from:

  1. One Way Link Building. The process involves one website giving a link to another website based on quality and usage. There's absolutely no need for the recipient website to give a link from the source of link. Simply stated, another website links to you and you don’t link back to them. These types of links are not easy to obtain but once you have them on your website, your site's popularity will surely improve in search engines. Another good thing about one-way link building is that the website owner will have assurance that his website won't be linked to spam or bad sites as there is no need for him to get links from his recipient websites. Examples of one way links are article submissions, directory submissions, blog submissions, press release submission, etc.
  2. Reciprocal Link/Two Way Link Building. An exchange of links between two websites is necessary to complete this process. This means that when a website links to you, you link back to them. With this type of link building scheme, it is best to scrutinize and study requests for link exchange to get quality partners instead of ending up with fraudulent and spammy ones.
  3. Three way link exchange.  This involves an exchange of link between three websites where in one website gives link to a recipient website, the recipient website also gives link to a third website and in turn, the third website give it's link to the source of the first link. Simply stated, A gives a link to B, B will give its link to C, and in turn, C will give a link to A.
One way links are considered more valuable especially in the eyes of search engines, however, not all one way links are valuable as several factors still need to be considered such as the link's relevance to your website, the amount of popularity the website linking to you has, among others.

It is also important to note that a link may have no value on a search engine’s perspective, but this link may drive qualified traffic to your website.

It is highly recommended to have more websites link to you but if you only want to focus on getting high quality links or those links that gives you page reputation and high page rank, it is best that you focus upon getting links for your targeted keywords. This being said, it is necessary that you begin with Keyword Research. Keyword Research will help you determine the correct targeted keywords, thus you will also get text links that are valuable to your site as there is no sense in using keywords and ranking on the first page for a keyword that no one is looking for.

To help you with your research, you need a very reliable keyword research tool that will not only help you analyze and determine the keywords that you should be targeting for your website, but will also give you an overview of the competition these keywords attract.  KeywordSpy can give you all these information and a lot more.  With KeywordSpy, data such as similar and related keywords which fall into your category or niche is just a click away. This tool will show you and help you analyze the keywords currently employed by your competitors for you to determine if it is wise to employ a certain keyword in your website.

KeywordSpy also has its own plugin tool called the KeywordSpy SEO/PPC Plugin which will allow you to view a certain website’s backlinks and SEO details. So, if you have affiliates or you know affiliates or websites involved in the same niche, you can easily find out the websites they have linked on by checking out their backlinks through the KeywordSpy Plugin. By doing so, you can make a thorough investigation and analysis of your competition’s backlinks, and with this information you can start getting links from the websites that you have not yet reached, through directory submission.

There are still lots of link building techniques and strategies that will boost your website's popularity but always remember that in Link Building quality is far better than quantity, so I suggest that you focus and keep working on quality link building strategies because strong link building will get you soaring past your competitors.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Free November KeywordSpy Discount Coupon Code - Save 20%

KeywordSpy's Promo coupon code for the month of November is now available.

Discount Code: KSRFVhDWMJ

Just key in the promo code above to avail of the 20% discount on the first month of your KeywordSpy subscription. You can use the code to any of the three packages offered by KeywordSpy namely: Research ($89.95), Tracking ($89.95), and Professional ($139.95). This is just a limited offer and is valid until November 30, 2010.

This promotional coupon is absolutely free and authentic. So, what are you waiting for? Tell your friends about this site for them to get 20% off on a KeywordSpy subscription.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Free KeywordSpy Coupon Code-Save 20%

A new month means a new KeywordSpy discount. The KeywordSpy October promotional code is now available. To avail of the 20% discount, you have two options:

1st Option:
  • Copy the coupon code below, then click on the discount code itself for you to be directed to the sign up page.
 Promo Code: KS5E5PhwMJ
  • On the sign up page, choose the package that suits you best, then click on the sign-up button.

  • On the payment page, just key in the discount code, click on the "Apply" button for you to verify if the coupon is still valid.

  • After verifying that the promotion code is valid, you may fill up the entire form, click on continue, and presto - you already have a KeywordSpy subscription at a very affordable price.

2nd Option:

Almost the same process is involved with this option, however, instead of clicking on the discount coupon itself, you may want to click on any of the KeywordSpy banners on this blog, which you will find on the top, right, and bottom part. 


After clicking on any of the KeywordSpy banners, you will be redirected to the KeywordSpy homepage, so simply click on the "Pricing" tab, and proceed with the next steps as mentioned on the first option. 

The second option may be more time consuming, however, you will learn to navigate on the KeywordSpy website by using this option.

Very easy and convenient, isn't it? So, what are you waiting for? Go grab your KeywordSpy coupon now as this is just a limited offer.

Promo Code: KS5E5PhwMJ
Always make sure to get your money's worth by using authentic and real promotion code.
The above promo code is guaranteed authentic and valid as it was released by KeywordSpy’s Sales Team.

You may share the coupon above to your friends involve in the same niche or better yet, you can tell them about this site for them to regularly check coupon code themselves.

Don't let something this good slip through your fingers because you deserve only the best.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Targeting the Right Keywords for an Effective Online Advertising Campaign

Many successful businessmen in the real world are now shifting to a different level of promoting their business, and that is through online marketing or online advertisements. However, physical marketing is very different from online marketing as they have different means of promoting the business.

You may be very well adept in promoting your business in the physical sense but when it comes to online business, your efforts won't even be recognized if you do not know the proper techniques to make your website visible in search engines, and for it to land on the first page of search engine results.

You may have already heard that in order for your website to be visible, you have to optimize. But before optimizing your website, there's one important thing that you should also keep in mind - choosing the right set of keywords.

Online advertisers often commit the mistake of optimizing their website without first considering the keywords to use and its relevance to their website content and target customers; thus, most of them keep wondering why traffic on their website is not improving after exerting countless efforts to optimize its content.

Keyword research is most likely the most important part of all SEO activities and it is also one of the most important steps that you will take once you start to optimize your website. For this reason, you need a keyword research tool, like KeywordSpy, which will guide and help you in getting the relevant and right set of keywords for your campaign.

KeywordSpy will not only tell you the keywords that your competitors are using in their PPC advertising campaigns such as Google Adwords but will also allow you to see which among those keywords are profitable. From there, you can already determine the keywords that you will use in your campaign.

Simply put, KeywordSpy allows you to gather keyword intelligence not just for your PPC advertising campaigns but for your Search Engine Optimization strategies as well. The Organic data for KeywordSpy results allows you to gather competitor information using related keywords in their website content. PPC information can also be applied in SEO by gathering keyword information that is working for PPC ads and adopting them to your website's content with reduced cost in your online marketing.

After having access to the best keyword tool that will help you with your research, you are now ready to select the right set of keywords for your campaign.

Here is a five item guide you can use in selecting the right keywords for maximum results: 

1. Make a list. The first list you should create should be as broad as possible. Tap people that are involved in your business. Think of all possible keywords that are related to your product or service.
2. Refine your list. This is much difficult than making the first list, but this will zoom you right in the money-making keywords. Narrow down your choices from around 400 terms then continue narrowing down to around 80-100. Try using the keywords yourself to find out what pages will be returned. This will help you a lot in deciding which terms are relevant to your campaign.
3. Run a pilot test. You may want to do this by signing up for free blogging pages or you may directly post on your business website. Post your keyword optimized articles then perform targeted keyword search after a week or two. This will return valuable information as to whether you are using the right keyword and/or keyword combination for your published articles.
4. Analyze top ranking pages. After running your pilot test, it is imperative that you perform a comparative analysis of your website content versus your competitor?s content, preferably those that have high rankings in targeted keyword search results.
5. Integrate results. Lastly, integrate results of your comparative analysis with your own keyword campaign. Doing this technically brings you back to step no. 2 which asks you to refine your list. Keep in mind that Search Engine Optimization is an on-going process; hence any process workflow will tend to be cyclical in nature.

There is the five item guide for researching the right keywords for your website. Your guide terms are List, List, Test, Analyze, and Integrate. Following the process outlined above will surely make things easier for you to come up with an effective SEO campaign.

Friday, August 6, 2010

KeywordSpy Discount Code For The Month Of September

KeywordSpy recently released new sets of discount coupons for the month of September and one of them is discount code KS9XcLRwSC. The coupon will entitle you to a 20% discount on your first month of KeywordSpy subscription.You may avail of this coupon code until September 30, 2010. This may be applied on the three packages offered by KeywordSpy namely: KeywordSpy Research, KeywordSpy Tracking, and KeywordSpy Professional. When you sign-up for a KeywordSpy subscription, just key in:


The above promo code is guaranteed authentic and valid as it was released by KeywordSpy’s Sales Team.

It is very easy to avail of this promotional code, just go to the KeywordSpy website (, and after you have decided on the particular package that is most suitable to your needs, simply click on the sign up button and key in the promotional code (KS9XcLRwSC) to avail of the 20% discount on your first month of KeywordSpy subscription.


You may share the discount code above to your friends in the online marketing industry for them to fully enjoy the wonders and benefits this keyword research tool can offer.

This is just a limited offer so grab your promo coupons now! Don't let something this good slip through your fingers.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Driving Qualified Traffic To Your Website

To increase traffic on your website, a keyword research tool is indispensable. How does it help? You would be able to look at what users are searching for and how they search it on the Internet. Once you are acquainted with the profitable keywords your potential customers are searching for, it signifies an advantage over your competitors since you know exactly the right keywords to use to optimize your site's page rank and popularity, thereby increasing your sales. That is why it is essential that you use the right keyword tool to boost your search engine rankings.

A keyword research tool is needed in order to build a successful Internet site. If you have the right keyword research tool you would be able to know which keywords are efficient to be incorporated and thus, drive the qualified traffic on your website.

Now, which keyword research tool is the best? There are many keyword research tools on the Internet that offer a variety of features but most of them are too complicated to use. The best keyword research tool is KeywordSpy.

Let me give you an example how KeywordSpy would be beneficial to your Adword Campaigns. When you perform a domain search and clicked on the Ads tab in the Keywordspy website, you will be able to see the ROI of a particular Ad which will show you how profitable that Ad is.  ROI is a reference index which measures the profitability of an ad + keyword combination by detecting its duration of appearance.

ROI measures the profitability of an advertisement copy. It is an extrapolation computed by KeywordSpy to gauge how effective an ad is, based on its frequency of appearance in search engine listing.

If the advertisement copy shows a low ROI, it means that the PPC Ad it refers to has a low profitability rate. It could be that the ad has not been seen in the search engines for a long period of time or the ad has ceased to be active for a website's PPC ad campaign. If the ad hasn't been seen in a while, it is probably because it
was not profitable, banned for some reason or was deleted and is no longer running.

So, if an Ad has a high ROI, then all you have to do is to check all the keywords used on that particular Ad and use them in your own campaign.

For you to do that, first, you have to sort the ROI column by clicking on the drop down option beside it and filter the results using the "descending" option for you to see which Ads are profitable.

All keywords pertaining to one specific ad copy can also be conveniently collected at the same time by clicking on the Keywords option or the "KW" icon alongside each Ad on the Ads search results. A window showing the list of keywords attributed to that ad would be generated on screen with their respective ROI, Search Volume and CPC values for evaluation.

The same principle is applied in finding profitable keywords; you may use the ROI metric to determine the competitiveness and profitability of a keyword.

This time, let us try performing a keyword search using the keyword "cherry". In this type of search, under the Ads tab, you will be presented with keywords results with their corresponding ROI, which means that the ROI pertains to the profitability of an advertisement copy found under the keyword "cherry". For you to find the profitable keywords, just apply filtering and you will get the keywords with high ROI value.

So, the next time that you decide to set up an Ad campaign, you no longer have to crack your heads in finding the right keywords for your Ad because all you have to do is to consult the KeywordSpy website and you'll get all the information that you need.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Increase Traffic on your Website by Subscribing to KeywordSpy, Get the 20% KeywordSpy Promotional Discount Now

Were you able to avail of the promotional coupon code offered by KeywordSpy last month? If not, then you are very lucky because KeywordSpy recently released a new discount coupon for the month of June.  


Promo Code is valid for the three packages offered by KeywordSpy namely: 

KeywordSpy  Research ($89.95)
KeywordSpy Tracking ($89.95)
KeywordSpy Professional ($139.95)

After you have decided on the particular package that is most suitable for your needs, just key in the KeywordSpy discount code (KSVWwYEwSC) to get 20% off on your first month of KeywordSpy subscription.

You may check for the detailed features of each of the above mentioned KeywordSpy packages here to help you decide on which package to avail.

Sign up now to start increasing web traffic on your website. Don't forget to use the KeywordSpy promotional coupon below to avail of the 20% discount.


Promotional Code is only valid until June 30, 2010, so hurry and subscribe to the best keyword research tool in the world --- KeywordSpy.

KeywordSpy Widget, a No-Nonsense Tool From KeywordSpy

I always hear people, especially the elderly, say "Big things come in small packages", and if I have heard that 10 years ago, perhaps I might have raised an eyebrow and much worse, I might have said "of course not or I don't think so" flat-out, without batting an eyelash.

But now a days, in this new millenium, small things, especially when it comes to "gadgets", are considered as powerful and much more efficient than the big ones.

Before, big used to matter, but now, with the current trend --- SMALL IS IN.

Don't you think that it's truly fascinating how a small tool can give us huge amount of comfort  and convenience and at the same time provide us with mountain of information that we need? --- well, I do. I recently discovered this cute little tool yet very useful especially to online advertisers; if you're wondering what I'm referring to --- I'm talking about the KeywordSpy Widget.

KeywordSpy Widget is now available for everyone to incorporate it on their blog or websites. This tiny tool can do lot of wonders for KeywordSpy users like me --- with the use of this widget (KeywordSpy Widget), there's absolutely no need for you to open a new browser once you have incorporated it on your blog or websites, as all you have to do is to type a keyword or a keyword phrase, and it will automatically generate results; and if you want to get more data and information, simply click on the "View More" link, which is located at the bottom of the generated results and presto! --- you will be redirected to the KeywordSpy website. You may also opt to customize your KeywordSpy widget to your preferred color to make your blog or website more attractive and colorful, as this type of widget gives you the option to change the search background color and the results background color.

This keyword search bar widget is no bells and whistles as it will truly make your life dead easy. Now, believe me when I say that big things do really come in small packages --- I've seen and experienced this with the KeywordSpy Widget, so I guess you should also try it for you to believe.

Get your KeywordSpy Widget here.

Friday, May 28, 2010

Save Time and Effort with KeywordSpy's Advanced PPC Exporter

Once again KeywordSpy has broken fresh ground with the introduction and incorporation of the Advanced PPC Exporter to its dynamic features.

The Advanced PPC Exporter will make life easier for Internet Marketers who spent countless hours, and sometimes weeks, creating PPC campaigns. With the incorporation of this new feature to KeywordSpy, Internet Marketers would be able to create PPC campaigns in less than 5 minutes.'ve read that right --- LESS THAN 5 MINUTES!

With the use of the Advanced PPC Exporter, there's no need for Internet Marketers to start from scratch when creating PPC campaigns as they can directly upload keywords and Ads into Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing and Microsoft AdCenter.

Whoever said that you can't always have the best of both worlds? With the newest addition to KeywordSpy's astonishing features, you will be able to save time, money, and effort while at the same time, you can start generating hundreds of dollars ---that's surely killing two birds with one stone.

So, why waste your time and spent sleepless nights creating your PPC campaigns, when you can get ahead of the pack with the new KeywordSpy Advanced PPC Exporter.

This feature (Advanced PPC Exporter is no rocket science and even a silver surfer will find it very convenient and easy to use.

To learn the step by step process on how to use the KeywordSpy Advanced PPC Exporter, please refer to the link below: 

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Authentic KeywordSpy Promo Code for May 2010

The much awaited promotional code is back! Everyone has been talking about it but unfortunately some interested people were not able to acquire the limited discount coupon offered by KeywordSpy last month. Well, leave it to KeywordSpy as it will surely save the day --- the limited promo code is back for the month of May. 


KeywordSpy is once again giving 20% discount, promo code, promotional coupon, discount coupon, discount code, promotional coupon code, promotional code or whatever it is that you want to call it --- but it just boils down to one thing --- you'll get 20% off on your first month of KeywordSpy subscription.

Don't be misled with those fake and fabricated KeywordSpy discount codes from other sites, last time I heard, there are lots of them, so better make sure to get the real thing, and I guarantee you, by merely being on this blog site and reading this article, you're on the right track. 

Below is an authentic and valid KeywordSpy promo code for the month of May.


It is very easy to avail of this discount coupon, just go to the KeywordSpy website (, and after you have decided on the particular package that is most suitable to your needs, simply click on the sign up button and key in the promotional code (KSyoE3XwSC) to avail of the 20% discount on your first month of KeywordSpy subscription.

The promotional code is made available to KeywordSpy's three subscription packages namely: KeywordSpy Research ($89.95), KeywordSpy Tracking ($89.95), and KeywordSpy Professional ($139.95). 

So, why pay more when you can get these products for a more affordable price by just using the discount code --- it's like killing two birds with one stone, don't you think? 

But always remember that less is best but also make sure to be vigilant, for you to get your money's worth. Don't be fooled by promotional scams pretending to be the real KeywordSpy coupon code only to end up loosing both your money and the product that you have paid for. 

Just key in the discount promo below to get guaranteed KeywordSpy subscription for less on your first month, and for you to fully enjoy the wonders of this keyword research tool. 


So, what are you waiting for? Subscribe now! Don't let something this good slip through your fingers.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Customize your Online Advertising Power with KeywordSpy Enterprise

With my last post, I have discussed the benefits, advantage, key features, and how amazing it is to subscribe to the newest addition to the KeywordSpy family, the KeywordSpy Agency. This time, let me acquaint you with another KeywordSpy subscription package that will truly amaze you and at the same time excite you --- and not only that, this subscription package will surely get you on top of the game.

If you think you are ready to get bigger, bolder, and more popular in terms of online advertising; if money is no longer an issue to you and you are willing to spend a considerable amount just to be on top; and if the features offered, quota and limitations set by the other four subscription packages (KeywordSpy Research, KeywordSpy Tracking, KeywordSpy Professional, and KeywordSpy Agency) are not enough to appease your needs --- then you've just strike gold with one of the newest addition to the KeywordSpy family --- the KeywordSpy Enterprise subscription package.
The Enterprise package has the following features:
  • Access to KeywordSpy API
  • Customizable results and queries (30,000,000 data exports per month and 2,000,000 search queries per month)
  •  Customized reports for your selected countries
  • Ultra long-tail keyword scanning and multilingual support
  • Multiple-user access
  • High-priority support with dedicated account manager (guaranteed 12-hour response)
  • Complete daily database updates
  • Get Ad Budget Intelligence for all domains
  • Access advanced charts and graphs 
  • Mine Affiliate Intelligence and Reports
  •  Monitor up to 20,000 keywords in Tracking platform
  •  Dig up Historical Ad Archive
  • Coverage of:
KeywordSpy Enterprise is the "tailor-made" subscription package of KeywordSpy, thus the subscription features will be based according to the client's specifications and needs, after which, the KeywordSpy staff will expertly ascertain  and  engineer  the requirements needed to address the client's demand.

Having the  Enterprise package will surely put you light years ahead of others, however, this subscription package is designed to cater mostly on multi-national corporations as the price starts at $6,000 per month depending on the features specified and requested by a particular subscriber.

For you to avail of this subscription package (KS Enterprise), first, you have to fill out their Enterprise Information Request, after  which  you will be contacted  via phone or email to discuss your application needs.

Once again, KeywordSpy ( has proven that it is the number one and the best keyword research tool any online advertiser can have because once again, it has broken fresh ground with the introduction of another set of powerful packages, KeywordSpy Agency and KeywordSpy Enterprise, having top of the line and remarkable features coupled with exceptional collection of data and unusual access.

For more information on KeywordSpy Agency and KeywordSpy Enterprise, visit:

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Level up your EXPORT and SEARCHING capacity with the new KeywordSpy Agency Package

Do you find yourself on the following scenarios?
  • KEYser is trying to export some data for his office presentation, which will either make or break his career, and it's about to start in half an hour but he already reached his maximum export quota for the day.
  • William, an online advertiser, is exasperated because he is conducting a research on his competitors but he already used the maximum daily search query allowed on his subscription.
  • ORDell is at her wits end because she is tracking all the keywords used by her competitors, however, she can't track all of them as her subscription limit doesn't allow her to do so, and she could do no more.
  • SPike wants to go global with his online advertisements but doesn't know how.
  • Yelena wants to subscribe to a keyword research tool using six different email addresses but she can't find one that offers this feature. 
If you are on the same page with the above mentioned people, then worry no more because you are now off the hook as KeywordSpy, the number one keyword research tool, just launched it's newest subscription package.

Introducing KeywordSpy Agency, the subscription package that will pull the plug to all your burning questions and dilemma.

KeywordSpy Agency Package Features:
  • Daily Export Quota: 450,000
  • Daily Search Query: 30,000
  • Tracking Keywords: 3,000
  • Covered Countries: 30+
  • Daily Destination URL Export Quota: 30, 000
  • Advanced Reports
  • High Priority Support
  • Top 1, 000 Sites and Keywords
  • Multiple-user Access
With the incorporation of these brilliant and remarkable features in one of it's subscription packages, KeywordSpy truly is the best keyword research tool anyone can have.

Now KEYser can export all the data he needs with the upgraded export quota offered by KeywordSpy Agency while William can now finish his research ahead of schedule; meanwhile, ORDell will have an edge over her competitors because she can now track all keywords used by them as the new KeywordSpy Agency package allows you to track up to 3,000 keywords. As for SPike, he can now check over 30 country database and conquer the world market; and finally, Yelena can now use all her six email addresses interchangeably in one subscription using the newest feature incorporated to the KeywordSpy Agency package.

Thanks to KeywordSpy, these people are now as happy as a clam and worry free. Now it's your turn --- acquaint yourself with this newest subscription package -- KeywordSpy Agency-- offered by KeywordSpy.

To learn more about the KeywordSpy Agency package, visit:

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

KeywordSpy Promo Code for April 2010 Now Available

Do you want a keyword research tool that --
  • will get you way ahead of your competitors
  • allow you access to your competitors' keywords
  • will definitely enable you to earn high revenue
-- yet very much affordable?

What are you waiting for? Why don't you go ahead and subscribe to KeywordSpy, the number one keyword research tool in the world. 

KeywordSpy's subscription package comes in three variations, KeywordSpy Research, KeywordSpy Tracking, and KeywordSpy Professional, which is a combination of the first two subscriptions.

If you subscribe now, you may avail of their limited 20% discount for the first month of your KeywordSpy subscription. This promo code is valid until April 30, 2010.

For you to avail of the limited 20% discount and subscribe to KeywordSpy, just use the link below and key-in the promo code when you signup for a KeywordSpy subscription.

Promo Code: KSSD7hcWSC

Hurry up and subscribe now, to enjoy the wonders that KeywordSpy has to offer!